Testing methodologies and SDLC


3 min read

Types of Testing:

Below are the types of software testing

  • Unit Testing

  • Integration Testing

  • System Testing

  • Functional Testing

  • Acceptance Testing

  • Smoke Testing

  • Regression Testing

  • Performance Testing

  • Security Testing

  • User Acceptance Testing

STLC Phases:

Below are the Software Test Life cycles

  1. Requirement Analysis

  2. Test Planning

  3. Test case development

  4. Test Environment setup

  5. Test Execution

  6. Test Cycle closure

Qualities of me as a manual tester.

As I'm already working as a manual tester. I possess a deep understanding of the software Testing life cyle. I also possess qualities like critical and analytical thinking which paves me a way to find critical bugs. I also possess the ability to design, execute, and manage test cases using testing techniques and tools.

Difference between waterfall and agile methodlogies in SDLC



Agile model

Waterfall model



Agile model follows the incremental approach, where each incremental part is developed through iteration after every timebox.

Waterfall model follows a sequential design process.



In the agile model, the measurement of progress is in terms of developed and delivered functionalities.

In the waterfall model, generally the measurement of success is in terms of completed and reviewed artifacts.



Agile model is flexible as there is a possibility of changing the requirements even after starting the development process.

On the other hand, the waterfall model is rigid as it does not allow to modify the requirements once the development process starts.


Customer interaction

In Agile model, there is a high customer interaction. It is because, after every iteration, an incremental version is deployed to the customer.

Customer interaction in waterfall model is very less. It is because, in a waterfall model, the product is delivered to the customer after overall development.


Team size

It has a small team size. As smaller is the team, the fewer people work on it so that they can move faster.

In the waterfall model, the team may consist more members.



Agile model is not a suitable model for small projects. The expenses of developing the small projects using agile is more than compared to other models.

Waterfall model works well in smaller size projects where requirements are easily understandable. But waterfall model is not suitable for developing the large projects.


Test plan

The test plan is reviewed after each sprint.

Test plan is reviewed after complete development.



Testing team can take part in the requirements change phase without problems.

It is difficult for the testing team to initiate any change in needs.